Si estas son vacaciones...

Parece que el gobierno nacional se empecina en no darle un respiro al pueblo argentino. O por lo menos al mundillo político que lo dirige porque lo cierto es que la afluencia de gente en la costa bonaerense asombra más que las declaraciones sexuales de nuestra querida presidenta.
Me puse a pensar en la "Pobre Cristina" está de acá para allá, entre lo que le dice su marido, lo que le dicta la conciencia y lo que le provocan en su organismo la carne de cerdo y de pollo que tanto ingiere nuestra cinéfila primera mandataria. Imagínense esa mezcla furiosa de "La Rosa de las Camelias" con mayonesa de ave de entrada y costillitas de cerdo de primer plato. De postre, Néstor con dulce de leche.
Ese es el problema de nuestro país, la presidenta sufre una indigestión político social producto de ingerir diferentes sustancias... O será tal vez, como dijo Sabina, "Era tan pobre que no tenía más que dinero"...

Me da lástima... Pobre Cristina!!


Mario .A. Albornoz ha dicho que…
jajajaja muy bueno.... Seguí escribiendo quique... Abrazos...
Juan Manueldel Pino ha dicho que…
Que acelga Henry!!!
Ché, lo de Arce no lo publicaste.
Al final resultaste poco serio, decís cualquier cosa y después no aclarás.
Ya no se puede confiar en nadie, ni siquiera en el periodismo independiente. Ja, ja.

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I just joined this good site. Loads of individuals have contributed so many good things here. I would also like to contribute some thing for this community. I would like to share some [url=]quick weight loss tips[/url]. If you need to know how to lose 10 lb in a week, you are probably not searching for a common dieting and exercise plan. You can lose weight with a standard diet and workout plan, Still this demands a lot of time doing intensive cardio workouts and sticking with a strict diet. Here I will outline the perfect steps that I took to lose 10 pounds in just a calendar week.

1. Keep Distance from all fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast each day. (this speeds up up your metabolism)
3. Eat Up reasonable portions (stop eating when you are full)
4. Instead of consuming 3 huge a meals a day, eat up 5-6 smaller meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod your habbit of eating after 9 P.M.. When you eat that late your body does not burn off the calories.
6. Proper sleep is necessary everyday.. Not getting adequate sleep has been proved to be a leading element to the body storing excess fat.
7. Utilize a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of needless weight stored just about the tummy area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that cause you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I reccomend you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is proven to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those mens/womens who wish to burn fat quickly, avoid intoxicant.
10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an excellent method of loosing weight quickly.

Anónimo ha dicho que…
Hi everyone! I don't know where to start but hope this site will be useful for me.
Hope to get any help from you if I will have any quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
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